Saturday, January 08, 2005

Because We Say So

This will be an ongoing post containing truths, postulates, laws, rules, opinions, and one-liners governing the World As We See It, which is just as valid a definition for the whole universe as anything you non-kitsune can come up with.

Nobody should be paid for being a comedian, writer, cartoonist, director, actor, singer, dancer, etc. unless they are more talented than I am.

Reality shows are not reality, and anyone who believes what a reality show producer tells them should be shunned as a village idiot. See above regarding the worth of anyone working as part of the "creative" force behind a reality show.

Most people on forums are twits with no sense of humor and no respect for the nuances of language. Hell, most of them don't even understand the basic rules of grammar. Why are you expecting effective communication with them?

Poo humor is easy and is not worthy of the title humor. Wit is hilarious whether it has scatalogical references or not. Wit is pure humor. If you must do poo humor, make it witty.

I like good, witty poo humor.

John Cleese is a bloody genius.

If you don't get Quentin Tarantino, don't ask someone to explain it to you. There's nothing to explain: you either get it, or you don't.

Quentin Tarantino is a bloody genius.


Blogger LysKitsune said...

My Family is the best thing to come out of Europe this millenium. It is also proof that skillful sitcom writing is not dead.

January 8, 2005 at 1:22 PM  
Blogger LysKitsune said...

Duality is not something to be feared. It is what makes life something other than a boring flatline we'd shoot ourselves to escape. Conflict is what spurs mankind on to grow and achieve. We should not disregard our differences or try to become of one mind, one belief, one way of thinking, but rather should tolerate what is different, realizing we're all of equal value.

Hence 'Imagine' is possibly the stupidest bit of insanity to ever be penned and repeated by those who don't think about what it actually means.

January 8, 2005 at 4:11 PM  
Blogger LysKitsune said...

Thanks, we do our best to avoid being boring! =)

I'd love to visit your site, but need a link as you don't seem to have your profile public.

January 9, 2005 at 7:18 PM  

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